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Our Commitment

Here at Anew U Day Spa we're a triple S location.
It's nothing too fancy, in fact we just invented it.
Its stands for Safe Sanitary Salon.
We understand that safety and sanitation are key to your peace of mind.
Rest assured that at Anew U Day Spa all instruments are 100% sterilized to NC Board of Cosmetics standards after each use.
By using only the top rated sanitary spa equipment along with vigorous staff training and services procedures.
With that in mind, you will always know that you'e in good hands. And that those hands are super clean.
We have always held ourselves to high sanitation standards. But with a virus like this we know we all can do more.
We have implemented additional sanitation duties based on guidance from the Boards, trade groups, CDC, WHO, and other government entities.
If you would like additional information or specifics please talk with your technician or front desk staff.

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